Thursday 1st April
God our Father,
your Son Jesus Christ was obedient to the end
and drank the cup prepared for him:
may we who share his table
watch with him through the night of suffering
and be faithful.
Special Maundy Thursday service on Zoom, sharing an Agapé meal together.
If you would like to, please bring some bread and (grape) juice for the service.
Bible Readings: (Click to Read)
Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)
The telling of the Easter Story: Part I
For this Easter, watch and listen to the Easter Story through the voice of Peter, one of his closest followers and friends.
In Part I, Peter is re-telling the final few days of Jesus’ life; from his palm-leaf entry into Jerusalem, through to Jesus’ trial and Peter’s denial. Part II, which will be shown on Easter Sunday, is Peter re-telling the twist in the story, from the empty tomb to fish sarnies on a beach, and the penny dropping of what it all means.
This first Part homes in on the heartbreak of Jesus’ seemingly certain defeat.
© Bible Society