Special Maundy Thursday service on Zoom, sharing an Agapé meal together.
If you would like to, please bring some bread and (grape) juice for the service.
Bible Readings: (Click to Read)
Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)
The telling of the Easter Story: Part I
For this Easter, watch and listen to the Easter Story through the voice of Peter, one of his closest followers and friends.
In Part I, Peter is re-telling the final few days of Jesus’ life; from his palm-leaf entry into Jerusalem, through to Jesus’ trial and Peter’s denial. Part II, which will be shown on Easter Sunday, is Peter re-telling the twist in the story, from the empty tomb to fish sarnies on a beach, and the penny dropping of what it all means.
This first Part homes in on the heartbreak of Jesus’ seemingly certain defeat.