Ministry Team
Our clergy and ministers are happy to connect! Contact us by phone or email.
Rev. Mark Nam
Email Mark
Rev. Richard Christopher
Minister + Asian Fellowship
Email Richard
Rev. Suzanne Knight
Minister + Pastoral Care Lead
Email Suzanne
Dawn Nicholls
Children & Young Families Minister
Email Dawn
Support Team
The Support Team at St. John’s are here to help! Pop into the church office today or contact us by phone or email.
Brian Main
Church Warden
Email Brian
Lisa Sweeney
Church Administrator
Email Lisa
Becki Whitlock
Life Events
Email Becki
Lorna Godwin
Janet Cook
Email Janet
Emma Kippax
Jackie Dunn
Safeguarding Officer
Email Jackie
Nicola Protheroe
Electoral Role Officer
Email Nicola
David Crane
Email David
Paul Isgar
Fund Raising
Email Paul
Parochial Church Council
Being a part of The Church of England and a registered charity (No. 1129449), we are governed by a body called the PCC (Parochial Church Council) whose purpose is to promote the mission of the Church, as charitable trustees, through managing the finances and resources of the Church. The PCC consists of the church ministers, the churchwardens and other elected members of the church family. One third of these elected members retire at the Annual church meeting each year, which is when their successors are elected.
Gill Adams
Clive Boys
Matthew Burdett
Janet Cook
David Crane
PCC | Treasurer
Michael Garaway
PCC | Secretary
Lorna Godwin
PCC | Verger
Pauline Harris
Linda Isgar
Emma Kippax
Brian Main
PCC | Church Warden
Rev. Mark Nam
PCC Chair | Vicar
Anthony White
PCC Lay Chair