19th January 2025
St John’s holds services in Church on Sundays at 10am, with a recording of the morning service uploaded online for those not able to join us.
Paper services available on request.
Dear Church Family,
This Sunday, we continue our journey through the season of Epiphany, reflecting on how Christ’s glory is revealed to us. We have two services taking place, and you are warmly invited to join us.
At 8:00am, Revd. Richard will lead the BCP Holy Communion service – a quiet and reflective start to the day, rooted in the rich tradition of the Book of Common Prayer.
At our 10:00am service, Revd. Suzanne will be leading worship and preaching from John 2:1-11, the story of Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding in Cana. As we hear how Jesus transformed water into wine, we’re reminded of God’s abundant grace and the unexpected ways He brings renewal and joy into our lives.
We look forward to gathering together as a church family to worship the God of miracles who continues to work among us.
With every blessing,
Mark 甄英深
Prayer for Woodley | Saturday 18th January 2025 9.00am. TThis group is now meeting on a regular basis at St.John’s on the third Saturday morning of each month at 9.00am, starting TOMORROW 18th January. It is comprised of people from different churches across Woodley, and is an excellent way for us to join together in prayer.
Green Pastures Cafe | Saturday 18th January 2025 10.00am. The group will meet in the Church centre TOMORROW Saturday 18th January at 10.00am. Open for anyone struggling with bereavement or loss of any kind and who are seeking support.
Men’s Breakfast | Saturday 25th January 8.30am. The next Men's Breakfast will be held on Saturday 25th January at 8.30 am at the Wee Waif, Charvil. Paul Isgar will tell us about ‘Tools for Self Reliance’, a charity supporting families in Africa to be economically self-sufficient. Join us for a hearty breakfast, good company and a stimulating talk. Why not bring a friend? Please contact Nigel Collins 07796284451 or email: thenigelcollins@outlook.com
Wild Church | Sunday 26th January 3.00pm. Wild Church takes place in the cottage garden at 3.00pm. Fun outdoor time of worship and fellowship for all the family. Wrap up warm!
A message on behalf of Woodley Foodbank. Thank you for your donations. We continue to experience a very high demand for our services. We are currently low in stocks of coffee, sugar, tins of fruit, potatoes, carrots & peas, milk and fruit juice. Donations of Sugar, Coffee, Pasta, Cereals, Pasta Sauce, Spaghetti (dried), Noodles (inc. Pot Noodles), Tinned Vegetables (all types, inc. potatoes), Tinned pies (Fray Bentos Meat and Veg varieties), Tinned fish, Tinned fruit, Tinned Soups (Veg and Meat), Meat meals (tinned), Biscuits, Crisps, Custard - tinned and dried, Tinned Desserts Long Life milk, Juice (cordial and long life), Toothbrushes and toothpaste, Shampoo and Shower Gel, Deodorants (M&F), Toilet Rolls are welcome at any time. We are also short of plastic bags.
Envelope Collection. David, our Treasurer, is kindly offering a collection service for those that usually give to St John’s by envelope. Please call him direct on 0118 969 2521 or email.
ChurchSuite - Login Required. You should have each received by now your personal login for ChurchSuite. Please do log in and update your personal contact details and what information you want to share with others in the St John’s church family. This way you can make sure you are kept up-to-date with news at St John’s and stay linked in with others. For those who are not online, we will be contacting them separately to do this.
For our prayers
For our world. Pray that the ceasefire between Gaza and Israel will hold. Pray for the hostages. Pray for the leaders of both sides, that promises will be kept and that both sides can live without fear. Pray for all areas where there is conflict. For peace throughout the world. Continue praying for the people of Los Angeles suffering from the devastating fires and for all the firefighters trying to contain them. Pray for all areas in the world suffering from freak weather conditions.
For our country. Pray for all who work in our hospitals. For our nurses and doctors struggling with exceptionally high numbers of people needing beds. For our ambulance staff trying to prioritise the needs of those who are sick. For the staff in our A&E departments coping with great numbers of anxious people.
For those who are unwell. Pray for all those we know and love who are unwell just now. Especially pray for Ann, Jack, Lucy, Margaret, Clive, Laura, Twink, Janet A., Liz, David S., Rita, Caroline, Devina, Adrian, Mo, Alan, Claire and Chris. Pray too for all who care for them.
In our prayers. Pray for our church worldwide. Pray for our leadership and for whoever will be chosen as Archbishop of Canterbury. Pray for us all here at St. John’s as we continue to grow. Pray for Mark and his family. For Dawn and her family. For our PCC and for all who have leading roles.
Church Office
The church office is usually open Tuesday - Fridays from 10am - 12pm. Please note that any notices need to be sent to info@stjohn-woodley.com by 10.00 am on Thursday, for inclusion in that week's newsletter.
Upcoming Dates for your Diary
Sunday 19th January
8.00am - BCP Said Service of Holy Communion. Led by Rev’d. Richard Christopher.
10.00am - Service of Holy Communion. The Second Sunday of Epiphany. Led by Rev’d. Suzanne Knight. This week’s Bible readings are Isaiah 62: 1-5 and John 2: 1-11. A video recording of the service will be uploaded to the website at: https://www.youtube.com/@stjohnswoodley
3:00pm - South-Asian Fellowship.
Tuesday 21st January
10.00am - St John’s Toddler Group. Contact Dawn for further details.
7.30pm - Praying Together on Zoom. To phone in 0203 481 5237 | Zoom ID: 977 0607 9786)
Wednesday 22nd January
10.00am - Midweek Communion Service.
7.45pm - Fellowship and Study Group returns. To phone in, call 0203 481 5237 | Zoom ID: 962 9254 2704.
Friday 24th January
11.30am - Lunch, Munch & Chinwag. All are welcome!
Saturday 25th January
8.30am - Men’s Breakfast. See details in Notices.
Coming up later in January
26th Wild Church 3.00pm
28th PCC meeting 7.00pm
Pastoral Support
Would you like a prayer?
If you would like support, please do let us know - you do not need to face hard things alone. Please contact the office to arrange for a Pastoral Visit from one of our team. Alternatively, complete the prayer request form below and someone will be in touch.