Dear Church Family,

This Sunday, the 3rd before Advent, we continue our series "Unwrapping the Names of Christmas". Revd. Richard will explore Messiah, reflecting on the hope fulfilled in the Christmas story. Revd. Mark Nam will lead the 8am BCP service.

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who volunteered their time, provided mince pies, welcomed guests and helped set up for our Christmas Tree Festival. Your efforts created a wonderful opportunity for charities to decorate trees and for our community to come together in the festive spirit. We couldn’t have done it without your dedication and generosity—thank you! Don’t forget to join us for our Carol Service this Sunday evening, as we celebrate the story of Jesus’ birth through word and song. Invite friends to share in the joy.

Every blessing

Mark 甄英深


Carol Service | Sunday 15th December 2024 7.00pm. Our Carol Service takes place on Sunday 15th December at 7.00pm. Everybody is welcome - please invite family and friends to join us.

Art Group | Mondays 9.30am. The last session will be on Monday 16th December. They will return on Monday 6th January 2025.

Praying Together on Zoom | Tuesdays 7.30pm. There will be no prayer meetings on Tuesday 24th or Tuesday 31st December. The next meeting will be Tuesday 7th January 2025.

The Life of Christ Study Group | Wednesdays 11.00am. The group's last meeting for 2024 was Wednesday 4th December. They will return on Wednesday 8th January 2025. 

The Fellowship & Study Group  | Wednesday 7.45pm. The group’s last meeting for 2024 was Wednesday 11th December. They will return in the New Year. Date to be confirmed.

Lunch, Munch & Chinwag. The last session is TODAY Friday 13th December 2024, we will be starting earlier and having Christmas cake, mince pies etc. As always all are welcome, we will meet again on Friday 3rd January 2025.

Green Pastures Cafe. The last meeting of the cafe will be Saturday 21st December at 10.00am. The group will return on Tuesday 7th January 2025 at 2.00pm for the first meeting of the New Year. All dates for 2025 will be available on the website at 

Helpers needed! There have been a few changes in the children's program recently, leaving some gaps in the Sunday rota. Please pray about whether God is calling you into the blessing that is children's work! Time commitment is one Sunday per month during the morning service. If you are interested, or even just a bit curious, please come and talk to me. Thanks! Dawn

Returning to normal distribution of Holy Communion. A reminder that it was recently announced that we will no longer be offering intinction (dipping of the wafer into the wine) at Holy Communion. This change took effect in October. If you do not feel able to drink from the cup, you are very welcome to ‘receive-in-one-kind’ (wafer only), which is perfectly acceptable and sufficient across Anglican history and tradition. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with our Vicar.

A message on behalf of Woodley Foodbank. Thank you for your donations. We continue to experience a very high demand for our services. We are currently low in stocks of tinned potatoes, tinned tomatoes, cartons of milk, juice - any flavour, crisps - all flavours and toilet rolls. Donations of Sugar, Coffee, Pasta, Cereals, Pasta Sauce, Spaghetti (dried), Noodles (inc. Pot Noodles), Tinned Vegetables (all types, inc. potatoes), Tinned pies (Fray Bentos Meat and Veg varieties), Tinned fish, Tinned fruit, Tinned Soups (Veg and Meat), Meat meals (tinned), Biscuits, Crisps, Custard - tinned and dried, Tinned Desserts Long Life milk, Juice (cordial and long life), Toothbrushes and toothpaste, Shampoo and Shower Gel, Deodorants (M&F), Toilet Rolls are welcome at any time. We are also short of plastic bags.

Envelope Collection. David, our Treasurer, is kindly offering a collection service for those that usually give to St John’s by envelope. Please call him direct on 0118 969 2521 or email.

ChurchSuite - Login Required. You should have each received by now your personal login for ChurchSuite. Please do log in and update your personal contact details and what information you want to share with others in the St John’s church family. This way you can make sure you are kept up-to-date with news at St John’s and stay linked in with others. For those who are not online, we will be contacting them separately to do this.

For our prayers

For our world. Pray for peace in our world right now. Pray for all people in countries where there is war. Pray especially for all in Ukraine, Russia, Gaza, Israel. Pray for their leaders that they will bring an end to the conflict. Pray for the people of Syria, that there will be stability for them with the new government. Pray too for the people in California where there are wildfires. Pray for their safety and for those who are fighting the fires.

For our country. Pray for all who will find this joyous time of Christmas difficult. For those who will not have enough money to feed their families or heat their homes. For those who have no homes, pray that organisations such as Crisis at Christmas will be able to provide food and a warm bed for them. Pray for all who volunteer at Christmas to help those in need.

For those who are unwell. Pray for all who we know and love that are unwell at this time. Pray especially for Ann, Lucy, Jack, Margaret, Clive, Laura, Twink, Janet A., Anne L., Liz, Rita, David S., Mo, Devina, Caroline, Alan, Claire and Chris. Pray too for all who care for them.

In our prayers. Pray for all mourning the loss of a loved one. Pray for Katy mourning the loss of her Dad. Pray for Pauline and her family mourning the loss of Diana. Pray too for all who will face a first Christmas without a loved one. Pray for us all and our services as we share our celebrations at this wonderful time with those around us.

Church Office

The church office is usually open Tuesday - Fridays from 10am - 12pm. Please note that any notices need to be sent to by 10.00 am on Thursday, for inclusion in that week's newsletter.

Upcoming Dates for your Diary

Sunday 15th December

  • 8.00am - BCP Said service of Holy Communion.

  • 10.00am - Morning Family Service. The Third Sunday of Advent. Led by Rev’d. Richard Christopher. This week’s Bible reading’s are Isaiah 12: 2-6 and Matthew 2: 4. A video recording of the service will be uploaded to the website at:

  • 3:00pm - South-Asian Fellowship.

  • 7.00pm - Carol Service.

Tuesday 17th December

  • 10.00am - St John’s Toddler Group. This is the last session before Christmas. Back on 7th January 2025. Contact Dawn for further details.

  • 7.30pm - Praying Together on Zoom. The last meeting of 2024. Back on 7th January 2025. To phone in 0203 481 5237 | Zoom ID: 977 0607 9786)

Wednesday 18th December

  • 10.00am - Midweek Communion Service at St. John’s Church.

Saturday 21st December

  • 10.00am - Green Pastures Cafe. The last of 2024! Back on 7th January 2025. 

Coming up later in December

  •  22nd Walk on Dress up Nativity during Service 10.00am

  •  22nd Christingle Service 5.00pm

  •  24th Midnight Mass Service of Holy Communion 11.00pm

  •  25th Christmas Day Service 10.00am

Pastoral Support

Would you like a prayer?
If you would like support, please do let us know - you do not need to face hard things alone. Please contact the office to arrange for a Pastoral Visit from one of our team. Alternatively, complete the prayer request form below and someone will be in touch.