Sunday 23rd March 2025
St John’s holds services in Church on Sundays at 10am, with a recording of the morning service uploaded online for those not able to join us.
Paper services available on request.
Dear Church Family,
Dear Church Family,
Lent marches on, and by now, some of us may be feeling like a fig tree in winter—standing, waiting, but not particularly fruitful. This Sunday, however, Jesus reminds us in Luke 13:6-9 that our faith is not measured by immediate results, but by our willingness to let the Gardener do His work. The fig tree in His parable had three unproductive years, yet the gardener pleaded for patience: “Leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilise it.” In other words—God isn’t finished with us yet!
It is fitting, then, that this Sunday is Giving Sunday—a time to reflect on how we can be part of that patient, nurturing work in our church and community. Giving is not about grand gestures, but about planting seeds—time, resources, encouragement—that God, in His grace, will grow into something greater.
Whether you are bursting with good fruit or still waiting for signs of new life, know this: you are not forgotten, and God is still at work in you. So come, bring a friend, and let’s celebrate the God of second chances, who never gives up on His garden.
Mark 甄英深
GIVING SUNDAY | Sunday March 23rd 2025. We are excited to announce that this Sunday is Giving Sunday. It has been over five years since we last held one at St. John’s, so this is a special opportunity for us, as a church family, to thank God for all He is doing in our midst and prayerfully consider how we can continue to support the vision of the church. Giving isn’t just about finances—it’s about our time, resources, and skills too. Whether through serving, sharing our gifts, or financial giving, every contribution helps us live out our calling as a church. In preparation, we encourage you to prayerfully reflect upon your current giving and consider how you might contribute moving forwards. There are now several ways to give, including: Standing Order, One-off gifts, Card payments (via our church card machine), and Legacies. For more information, please visit: Thank you for being part of this journey of faith and generosity! Let’s come together to celebrate, give thanks, and respond to God’s goodness on Giving Sunday.
MEN’S BREAKFAST | Saturday 22nd March 2025 8.30am. The Men's Breakfast will be held TOMORROW Saturday 22nd March at 8.30am at the Wee Waif, Charvil. The speaker will be Steven Akehurst. Why not bring a friend? Please contact Clive Boys on 07769721449 if you haven’t already done so.
MAKING FLOWER POSIES | Saturday March 29th 2025 10.00am. We’ll be making Mother’s Day flower posies in the Church Centre on Saturday 29th March from 10.00am to 12.00pm. If you have any time to spare that morning, your help would be appreciated! Refreshments are provided and pizzas at the end of the morning if you’d like to stay. (Children must be accompanied by an adult please). Contact Yvonne on 0118 9695971.
ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING. 📅 Sunday 6th April 2025 🕙 After the 10:00am Service. Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) is more than just a meeting—it’s your chance to shape the future of our church! This is a vital time for us to come together, reflect on the past year and look ahead to where God is leading us next. The APCM reports booklet, with highlights from the past year and the meeting agenda, will be available in advance. We need YOU! Your voice, your prayers and your presence matter. This isn’t just for the churchwarden or PCC—it’s for all of us as we work together to grow and serve our community. Mark your calendars, stay tuned for more details. Mark
ART-SPRING FESTIVAL | Saturday 12th April 2025 from 11:00 am - 5:00pm. St John’s latest Art & Craft exhibition will take place in our Church Centre on Saturday 12th April 2025 from 11:00 am - 5:00pm. Free entry. Work by our Art Group and other local artists and makers will be for sale, including jewellery, painting, stained glass, and small sculptures. Tea, coffee & biscuits available. Please tell all your family, friends and neighbours and let Michael Garaway know - - if you would like to help with refreshments, stewarding or guiding visitors into the centre.
BUBBLE CHURCH | Sunday 13th April 9.00am. Bubble Church is coming soon on Sunday 13th April and will run on every 2nd Sunday. Please tell anyone you know with young children to come along and check it out. A huge thanks to all who have volunteered to help. These are exciting times indeed! Helpers should arrive at 8.30am ready for the 9.00am start. Puppeteers should arrive at 8.15 to have a final rehearsal. For further details please contact Dawn -
A message on behalf of Woodley Foodbank. Thank you for your donations. We continue to experience a very high demand for our services. We are currently low in stocks of custard, toilet rolls, tins of rice, cooking oil, toiletries and any juice. Donations of Sugar, Coffee, Pasta, Cereals, Pasta Sauce, Spaghetti (dried), Noodles (inc. Pot Noodles), Tinned Vegetables (all types, inc. potatoes), Tinned pies (Fray Bentos Meat and Veg varieties), Tinned fish, Tinned fruit, Tinned Soups (Veg and Meat), Meat meals (tinned), Biscuits, Crisps, Custard - tinned and dried, Tinned Desserts Long Life milk, Juice (cordial and long life), Toothbrushes and toothpaste, Shampoo and Shower Gel, Deodorants (M&F), Toilet Rolls are welcome at any time. We are also short of plastic bags.
Envelope Collection. David, our Treasurer, is kindly offering a collection service for those that usually give to St John’s by envelope. Please call him direct on 0118 969 2521 or email.
ChurchSuite - Login Required. You should have each received by now your personal login for ChurchSuite. Please do log in and update your personal contact details and what information you want to share with others in the St John’s church family. This way you can make sure you are kept up-to-date with news at St John’s and stay linked in with others. For those who are not online, we will be contacting them separately to do this.
For our prayers
For our world. Pray for all countries broken by war. For the many thousands of people living in fear as nation turns against nation. For the people made homeless by war. For those seeking refuge in other countries. Pray for the people of Gaza and Israel as the ceasefire is broken. For the people of Ukraine and Russia as those seeking peace try to bring an end to the suffering.
In our country. Pray for all who will suffer as some payments for disabled people are brought to an end. For all who are crippled by debt, shattered through unemployment. For the homeless. Pray for those reaching out to people in need and for us as a church so that we can be a refuge for those in need.
For those who are unwell. Pray for all who we know and love that are unwell just now. For those waiting for operations or treatments. For those in Nursing Homes. Pray especially for Margaret, Marion B., Alison, Irene, Ricky, Ian, Gavin, Guimei, Ann, Lucy, Laura, Twink, Janet A., Liz, Rita, David S., Caroline, Devina, Adrian, Mo, Chris and Austin. Pray too for all who care for them.
In our prayers. Pray that during this time of Lent we will go that extra mile to welcome new people through our church doors. That the new Bubble Church will be a joyful time for families with young children. That we as a church family will grow in faith.
Church Office
The church office is usually open Tuesday - Fridays from 10am - 12pm. Please note that any notices need to be sent to by 10.00 am on Thursday, for inclusion in that week's newsletter.
Upcoming Dates for your Diary
Sunday 23rd March
10.00am - Morning Family Service. The Third Sunday of Lent. Giving Sunday. Please note this will not be a service of Holy Communion. This week’s Bible readings are Psalm 63: 1-9 and Luke 13: 6-9. A video recording of the service will be uploaded to the website at:
3:00pm - Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi Fellowship.
Tuesday 25th March
10.00am - St John’s Toddler Group. Contact Dawn for further details.
7.30pm - Praying Together on Zoom. (phone in 0203 481 5237 | Zoom ID: 977 0607 9786)
Wednesday 26th March
10.00am - Midweek Communion Service.
7.45pm - Fellowship and Study Group on Zoom. (phone in 0203 481 5237. Zoom ID: 962 9254 2704.
Friday 28th March
11.30am - Lunch, Munch & Chinwag. All are welcome!
Coming up in April
1st Green pastures Cafe 2.00pm
6th BCP Said Service of Holy Communion 8.00am
6th APCM after 10.00am service
13th Bubble Church starts 9.00am
13th Palm Sunday
16th Mothers’ Union 2.30pm
17th Maundy Thursday
18th Good Friday
19th Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil starts 9.00am
19th Green pastures Cafe 10.00am
20th BCP Said Service of Holy Communion 8.00am. Led by Rev’d. Richard Christopher
20th Easter Sunday
Pastoral Support
Would you like a prayer?
If you would like support, please do let us know - you do not need to face hard things alone. Please contact the office to arrange for a Pastoral Visit from one of our team. Alternatively, complete the prayer request form below and someone will be in touch.