Welcome to our Service of 23rd March 2025

For those unable to attend church in person, we upload a recording of our Sunday service and weekly talk. This page is updated on Sunday afternoons.
For previous service videos and talks, visit our Church Online YouTube page.

Giving Sunday

0:00 - Welcome and opening words
01:44 - Introduction to ‘Giving Sunday’
03:58 - Hymn - Come Ye Thankful People Come
07:59 - Confession & Absolution
09:12 - Hymn - The Gloria
11:31 - The Collect Prayer
12:01 - Report from Our Treasurer
24:36 - The Peace
25:11 - Hymn - Bind us Together
27:45 - First Reading - Psalm 63.1-9
29:13 - Second Reading - Luke 13.6-9
30:10 - Sermon
44:45 - Hymn - Lord of the Church we pray for our renewing
48:36 - The Creed
50:16 - Report form our Fundraiser
57:27 - Intercessions
1:03:25 - Hymn - Great is Thy Faithfulness
1:07:23 - Final Prayer & Blessing

The Barren Fig Tree (Giving Sunday)
Luke 13:6-9

Lent marches on, and by now, some of us may be feeling like a fig tree in winter—standing, waiting, but not particularly fruitful. This Sunday, however, Jesus reminds us in Luke 13:6-9 that our faith is not measured by immediate results, but by our willingness to let the Gardener do His work. The fig tree in His parable had three unproductive years, yet the gardener pleaded for patience: “Leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilise it.” In other words—God isn’t finished with us yet! It is fitting, then, that this Sunday is Giving Sunday—a time to reflect on how we can be part of that patient, nurturing work in our church and community. Giving is not about grand gestures, but about planting seeds—time, resources, encouragement—that God, in His grace, will grow into something greater.



Missed a Service

Morning & Evening Prayer

Follow Morning Prayer or Night Prayer (Compline) using the shortened order of services.

Any prayer requests?

Send your prayer requests, in confidence, to our Prayer Line team who will pray for you. If you want to be contacted back please leave an email or phone number.
