Parish Giving Scheme
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a new, free way to help you plan your giving and, if you are a taxpayer, to do so tax efficiently. Whether you currently give by Standing Order, the envelope scheme or by occasional donation, you can easily make the switch to this secure and efficient Direct Debit system. Tried, tested and highly recommended by over 40,000 people in nearly thirty dioceses for its reliability and ease of use, the PGS can help you give in an easy, straight forward way.
Why give in a new way?
The Church of England has a Christian presence in every community, seeking to be at the heart of all our cities, towns and villages. We serve our community by sharing our
faith and values, worshipping together and by our wonderful buildings. This valuable contribution to our community comes at a cost, which is largely met by personal gifts
from you and other church members. For us to grow and fulfill the vision we have for the future then we need to increase our giving, and have more people giving regularly. Money often dominates too many agendas in the church and takes up a lot of volunteers’ time in counting the money, administration and claiming Gift Aid. If you sign up to the Parish Giving Scheme, more of your money and our time can be devoted to God’s mission.
You are in total control of the amount you give.
The Direct Debit guarantee means your gift is secure and safe.
You can choose to increase your gift annually by inflation if you wish.
Parish Giving Scheme tokens are available if you would like something to put in the offertory plate.
Gift Aid is automatically claimed for the church every month, and this means reduced administration, less work for your treasurer and Gift Aid secretary and better cashflow.
“Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”
St John’s has already signed up to the PGS to make things easier for you, however, please read the following information before downloading and completing the PGS Gift Form.
Read the above information leaflets on the PGS
Download the PGS Gift Form or;
Complete the Request Form for one to be sent to you.
STEP 2: You will need to tick the necessary box on the Gift Form to select an inflationary increase if you wish to do this.
STEP 3: Send the Gift Form by post to: Parish Giving Scheme, 76 Kingholm Road, Gloucester, GL1 3BD. You will receive a welcome letter in due course, confirming the amount and start date for your first direct debit.
STEP 4: Cancel any outstanding Standing Order with your bank. We recommend waiting until you’ve received your welcome letter from PGS before cancelling the standing order.
For any questions or queries, please email the Treasurer.
PGS Request Form
If you would prefer to receive a paper copy of the forms please complete the form below.