Christingle Service
Join us for our Christingle Service. Take part in our crafts and join in with some Christmas songs together.
Sunday 20th December
Christmas Day is almost here, when we celebrate Jesus’ birth - God come to be with us! Here is a wonderful Happyland version of the Christmas Story: “Come to the manger and see God made small. The true Christmas story has room for us all”. And our favourite carol, 'Away in a Manger' - do you know all the words off by heart?
Sunday 13th December
There are just twelve days until Christmas when we celebrate Jesus' birth, here is a wonderful song called "The Angels Knew" by Nick and Becky Drake. It celebrates that "the God who made the stars, became like one of us". Wow!
Here is a story video which tells the "Well Good News of Christmas" and explains why Jesus was born at Christmas and what difference that makes to us today.
Bishop Steven also has a Christmas message for all the children in Oxford Diocese - and he asks for your help too. He asks you to send him your funniest joke so he can share them this Christmas time. Find out how to submit your favourite joke to Bishop Steven here.
Sunday 6th December
There are only 19 sleeps until Christmas! Here is a great song about Christmas joy as we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth: Hear the Bells ringing.
But how do we prepare for Christmas as Christians - is there more to it than just presents and food? Watch this video called Advent: Are you ready?
The second candle on the Advent Wreath focuses on the prophets who foretold Jesus’ birth. They lived hundred and hundreds of years before Jesus, but God gave them words of hope which we know came true that first Christmas in the little town of Bethlehem. Here is a story about two of the prophets Isaiah and Micah and what they said.
Sunday 29th November
Today in Micah's last message, Micah reminds everyone that God is good. He says that God is a loving and compassionate God who wants to forgive us. He "hurls our sins into the depths of the sea" says Micah. Today's song is called "God is good". Can you sing along and make up some actions to go with the song?
Micah lived long before Jesus. But he prophesied about him coming in Micah 5:2. Jesus is the one who puts us right with God. God loved us so much that he sent Jesus to remove the penalty of sin on our lives. John 3:16 is the verse in the Bible that tells us that.
Our craft today is to make your own Advent wreath. Advent is from a Latin word meaning 'coming'. We remember Jesus's first coming at Christmas but we also looking forward to when Jesus will come again as the judge of the whole world.
Download the activity pack for the week.
Sunday 22nd November
We are in chapter 6 in Micah today. Micah challenges the people about their love for God. He reminds them how faithful God has been to them but how they have forgotten him. Our song talks about how God has been faithful all through history and how he is faithful to us today too. Have a listen.
Micah tells the people that God is sad. God cares about his people Israel but they have disobeyed him and turned away and worshipped other things but not him. God asks them why. He even asks if he is to blame. But of course he isn't. The people ask in a mocking way what more God wants from them? Does God want them to give him lots of things? No God says, he wants them to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with him. Watch the video which explains more about what that actually means.
Our craft today is to make some flip flops with the words 'walk humbly'. Izzi explains how Jesus shows us how to walk humbly with God.
Download the activity pack for the week.
Sunday 15th November
As a church we are reading the Old Testament book of Micah together (it's next to the book of Jonah in the Bible). Micah was a prophet who lived a long time ago, about 730BC. Watch the video to learn more about prophets - can you spot Micah among them? Micah's message to the people is for them to turn back to God and be friends with God again. He tells them to say sorry for the way they were living their lives - ways that were mean and selfish. They were living more like enemies of God, not like his friends. As Christians, we know and follow Jesus - he is our best friend who puts us right with God and shows us how to be kind and generous to others, and not greedy or jealous. Today's song is all about that.
Our craft is to make some praying hands. You can write your own prayer on the paper hands. Perhaps you need to say sorry to God for something. Or you could thank him, or ask him for help at school. You can talk to God about anything. Isn't that amazing!
Download the activity pack for the week.
Sunday 8th November
Today is Remembrance Sunday or Poppy Sunday. We wear poppies to remind us of those who died in the world wars. Poppies grew in the fields in Belgium where there had been lots of fighting. Watch the video to find out more. The poppy is a sign of hope and peace, and we want to pray for peace in our world and the end to fighting. The second video shows you how to make your own poppy at home. Jesus tells us that we must be peacemakers too in our own lives. We can start to live in peace with others by loving them and forgiving them. Here is a new song from Nick and Becky Drake called 'The Golden Rule’ which is all about loving others as Jesus tells us to.
Sunday 1st November
The 31st October is All Hallows Eve (often shortened to "Halloween"). It is the day before "All Saints Day". This day has become a celebration of all things dark and scary. As Christians we are called to be a light in the world and Halloween is the perfect opportunity for us to show what it is that makes us stand out and to think about how we can be lights in our world today.
Download the Activity Pack for this week.
Sunday 25th October
Peter encourages us to give all our worries to God because he cares for us and to be humble. But what does being humble mean? Stay strong in knowing that God will support you.
Download the Activity Pack for this week.
Sunday 18th October
Peter encourages us to say no to making bad choices and encourages us instead to do what God wants. Sometimes this can be hard and we make mistakes. We can say sorry to God. Listen to Peter’s letter about loving others and being kind in all that you do. Also, watch this video which explains the word ‘repentance’ and reminds us how much God loves us.
Download the Activity Pack for this week.
Sunday 11th October
In his letter Peter tells the Christians to live in such a way that their lives point to Jesus and show his love. One of the ways we can do that is by doing acts of kindness which brighten up people's days. Our craft today is to create a kindness jar and fill it with ideas for different acts of kindness for others.
Download the Activity Pack for this week.
Sunday 4th October
This week we are celebrating Harvest when we remember to thank God for his care and provision for us.
As we celebrate Harvest today, Izzi shows us how to make this changing seasons tree. We want to thank God that whatever the season he always provides and cares for us. As his people how are we caring for others, especially those who do not have enough food this Harvest time?
Download the Activity Pack for this week.
Sunday 27th September
Peter tells us to try to live good lives, believe and trust in Jesus and follow his example. You should show respect for all people, love others in God's family and obey people in the world that have authority. What decisions will you make?
Izzi shows us how to make a pretend compass to remind us to follow in Jesus’ footsteps, being kind to each other and putting others’ needs first.
Download the Activity Pack for this week.
Sunday 20th September
Through Jesus we have a new identity through our union with him. He shares it with us. We belong, we are chosen, precious, beloved. As he is holy so must we be.
In our craft, Izzi shows us how to make St John's church with fingerprints - we are each special and unique to God.
Download the Activity Pack for this week.
Sunday 13th September
Peter begins his letter with praise to God. He wants those he is writing to to rejoice, despite the hardship they face. They are members of a new family - God’s family. The salvation we are offered through Christ brings us an incredible hope and transforms who we are and shall be.
In our craft Izzi shows us how to create a Prayer Shaker to remember that God promises to be with us always and to rejoice knowing he is there.
Download the Activity Pack for this week.
Sunday 6th September
Our final Action Hero this week is Peter. Watch this story of how Peter heals a lame man in Jesus’ name and then boldly tells those who arrest him that he won’t, and can’t, stop talking about Jesus. Our song this week is 'City on a Hill’, with Jesus as our firm foundation in life we can live for him boldly, like Peter did.
In our craft Izzi also talks about how Jesus is our firm foundation in life. She shows you how to make a model of your house and school. Why don’t you ask Jesus to be with you at home and school in this new week to come.
Download the Activity Pack for this week.
Sunday 30th August
Priscilla and Aquila loved Jesus. They helped lots of people learn more about Jesus including a man called Apollos. The Bible tells us that when we tell others about Jesus we are being like lights in the world, sharing our light with other people. Priscilla and Aquila were definitely lights to the people around them. Who could you be a light to?
In our craft, Izzi shows us how to make a paper chain that shows how the early church grew as people told others about Jesus. Can you draw yourself as part of the paper chain?
Download the Activity Pack for this week.
Sunday 23rd August
Paul was on a ship with a lot of other people. God had warned him it wouldn't be safe to travel but the captain of the ship didn't listen to him. In the end the boat was shipwrecked but God made a way for all the people to make it safely to land. I wonder what amazing things God might do in your life.
In our craft today we are recreating the scene of the storm and shipwreck Paul experienced whilst travelling as a prisoner to Rome.
Download the Activity Pack for this week.
Sunday 16th August
God leads Paul to meet a lady called Lydia. She loves God and learns a lot from Paul. She even decides to get baptised along with everyone else in her house. This meant she made a promise to follow God for the rest of her life. Lydia got a taste of what God was like and she understood that He was good! Do you want God in your life? Why not ask him?
In our craft today we are shown how to make a purple wrist band, as we think about Lydia, a trader in purple cloth who gave her life to Jesus in Philippi and was baptised by Paul.
Download the Activity Pack for this week.
Sunday 9th August
Peter was in jail even though he'd done nothing wrong. The church prays for him and God hears their prayer. An angel appears to Peter in prison and frees him. The people got to see first-hand that God IS good! Prayer is powerful because we know that God always hears our prayers. What would you like God to do in your life?
Download the Activity Pack for this week.
Sunday 2nd August
Barnabas is mentioned many times in the book of Acts. We focus today on Acts 11: 19-26, where we see he often acts bravely and God helps him to be brave. He is also remembered for how he always encouraged other people. Who encourages you? How could you encourage someone today?
Our craft today looks at what encouraging messages you can paint onto stones.
Download the Activity Pack for this week.
JULY 2020
Sunday 26th July
Action heroes are not superheroes. They are just ordinary people who want to tell others the good news. “We are just like you”, said Paul and Barnabas to the people in Lystra. The reason they could do amazing things was because they believed in God and had God’s power working through them. You are special to God too. I wonder whether you believe God can work through you too?
The Holy Spirit is still at work in our lives today in amazing ways. Keep praying and trusting that God's plans are the best ones. Today we pray for those that are unwell and are creating cards to tell them we are praying for them. We ask God to make them better and ask him to help our Doctors and Nurses in our hospitals.
Download the Activity Pack for this week.
Sunday 19th July
Daniel is much older now and serving under a new King - King Darius. The other officials are jealous of Daniel and they plot to hurt him and have him killed. Watch the video of the story to see how Daniel trusts God. Our song reminds us of how God is a faithful God and never lets us down. Daniel gets a mention in the song too. In our craft today we are making lion puppets so you can tell the story to your parents.
Sunday 12th July
King Belshazzar, who was the son of Nebuchadnezzar forgot all about God. He didn’t worship God like his Father did. We want to worship God because we know he is the creator of all things and totally amazing! Why don’t you sing along to this song and praise God as you do so! Watch the story of Daniel and the strange writing on the wall at King Belshazzar’s banquet. Discover our weekly craft with some hidden writing!
Sunday 5th July
King Nebuchadnezzar was full of pride because of all he owned and all he had done. It took seven years of living in the wilderness for him to realise that it was God alone who deserved all the praise and glory and not him. Jesus shows us how to live humbly. Even though he was the King of Kings, he humbled himself, even to death on a cross for us. Being humble, and putting others' needs first, is hard to do. We are going to make some sandals to remind us to walk humbly with Jesus each day.
JUNE 2020
Sunday 28th June
Today’s story is about Daniel’s three friends, it is from Daniel chapter 3. The friends tell the King that they will only worship God and not him. The King is furious. See what happens next in our video.
Our song, God is love, reminds us of how Daniel and his friends put God first above everything else in their lives. Jesus tells us this too in Matthew 22: 37-39.
In our craft this week, learn how to create a fiery furnace hand print showing how God is with us always and protects us.
Sunday 21st June
The King said to Daniel, “Surely your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, for you were able to reveal this mystery”. (Daniel 2: 47)
Today we are thinking about how Daniel trusted God when things were scary for him (Daniel chapter 2). Daniel asked God to help him with an impossible task - finding out what was the King’s dream. God revealed to Daniel not only what the King’s dream was, but also what it meant. So Daniel was brave and went with his friends and told the King all that God had revealed to him.
In today's song we declare that 'nothing is impossible for God’. What ever seems scary or impossible to us, God is in control and can change things. In our craft, we are making an origami crown. Daniel knew who was the true King over Babylon - and it wasn’t King Nebuchadnezzar.
Sunday 14th June
Following the story of Daniel 1, here is a craft activity linked to Daniel and his friends choosing to obey God rather than the King. It involves them eating lots and lots of vegetables! Whatever we are feeling or facing in life, Jesus’ name has power over everything. Let’s speak His name! This is a brand new song from Nick and Becky Drake: Speak your name.
Sunday 7th June
We are thinking about the Trinity today - that God is three in one, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This means that God is all about love. He is a loving God. He wants us to be like him, caring for everyone we meet, generous and kind. Not leaving people out, but instead including them.
This week we have a fun video which explains more about the Trinity and a song reminding us that God wants us to love him with all our heart, mind and strength, and love each other too. Our reading today is from Matthew 28: 16-20. Jesus tells his disciples to go into all the world and tell others about God’s love for them. Here is a song all about it. Can you memorise verse 19 by learning the song? There is a word search to complete too - download here.
MAY 2020
Sunday 31st May
Follow the story of how God sent the Holy Spirit to his disciples at Pentecost - you can read it in Acts 2 in the Bible. The Holy Spirit helps us worship Jesus. Here is a great song of praise to Jesus - it is great to dance to as well! Make your own headband of fire, to remind you of the first Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit appeared like flames on the disciples' heads.
Sunday 24th May
Listen and learn how to have a conversation with God through prayer. Discover an easy way to remember how to PRAY - Praise, Repent, Ask and Yield (listen to what God is saying). Create a prayer cube to help you talk to God anytime, anywhere and about anything - download the template here. Sing along together to ‘All through History’, a short song to thank and learn more about how God has been there for us.
Sunday 17th May
Listen and learn how the Holy Spirit is with us everyday helping us make all things good and beautiful in our lives. Create a rainbow using Skittles to show how the Holy Spirit works in our lives. Sing along together with Woodley Church of England Primary School to ‘My Lighthouse’ and learn about Jesus’ ascension after his resurrection and the message that he gave to his disciples before he was taken to heaven and the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Sunday 10th May
Listen and learn more about Noah and the first Rainbow. Sing along together to ‘Looking to the Rainbow’ and learn to pray using teaspoons or ‘tsp’ (Thank you, Sorry & Please).
Sunday 3rd May
Enjoy some creative family time by creating a family linked chain to help you remember your friends and family in your prayers. Sing along together to ‘Big Family of God’. Listen and learn more about Jesus in 3.5 mins as told by the Bible Society.
APRIL 2020
Sunday 26th April
Enjoy some creative family time recreating the walk Jesus did on the road to Emmaus, reminding us that Jesus walks alongside us. Sing along together to ‘God is Love’. Listen and follow in the footsteps of Jesus’ followers as they travel on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus as told by the Bible Society.
Sunday 19th April
Create a wheel to remind us how God is with us everyday and everywhere. Sing along to ‘God is with Me’ and watch with the Three Friends who discover the Miracle Man.
Sunday 12th April
Discover the retelling of the The Easter Story from the Bible Society and create a Palm cross.